« Pandemic in Perspective

Here are some thoughts from Freeman Patterson that put our current COVID-19 Pandemic into perspective:


Every plant and animal species seems to suffer through one periodically. Take trees, for
example. In very recent history the Dutch Elm Disease pandemic wiped out all but a few of
the stately elms that thrived throughout eastern North America. The magnificent walnut
suffered the same fate earlier, and pine trees in the Rocky Mountains continue to die at a
pandemic rate far exceeding that of people. We are all subject to the same natural forces.
It’s vital for us to recognize that nature is behaving now exactly as it always has. The virus
causing this pandemic among humans keeps finding good places to settle down, reproduce,
and spread, but humans and all other species do the same thing, often with disastrous results
for others. But, in one way, humans are special. As far as we know, only humans have the
capacity for self-reflective consciousness. This means that we have the power to choose
between controlling and symbiotic relationships, as in a well-balanced marriage or
partnership. If we were to choose being keepers rather than rulers, between being sustainers
rather than dominators, between being friends rather than enemies, we would have learned
something from Covid-19 that is profoundly useful to us all, to Earth. fp

For folks who don't know him, Freeman Patterson is a well known photographer from New Brunswick.  (He also holds a Masters Degree in Theology.)

These comments are taken from his May Newsletter.  You can read past issues or subscribe (free) at his website:  Freeman Patterson Newsletter: Images, Ideas and Reflections

Stay well,
Sandy Richardson


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